Making an Apostle an Offender for a Word

We live in an information age in which the past history and words of the leaders of the church (referring more particularly to the first presidency and quorum of the twelve) can be accessed quite easily; and since these men were human and subject to their own opinions, it is inevitable that they held opinions and ideas that judged in today’s light might seem offensive and wrong.  We need to be careful since Joseph stated a prophet is only a prophet when he is acting as such and the rest of the time he is just a man.  Since we latter day gentiles sometimes have a habit of idolizing past and current church leaders, it is easy to grab onto something they said and let it shake our faith because today that idea or opinion is considered wrong.  Let us throw a mantle of charity and compassion upon our deceased (and current) leaders and realize that’s it’s very likely that the things they said in the past which are offensive to our sensibilities today were likley their own opinions while they were acting as men, and not the word of the lord as revealed from heaven.  It is OK for a President or an Apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be wrong, misinformed or hold an opinion that is later shown to be completely false. We are all pilgrims far from home in this fallen mortal world and must battle to receive light and truth and this is no different of any man. This shouldn’t shake anybody’s faith in Christ or His gospel or even the restoration as brought to pass through the instrumentality of Jospeh Smith.

Our foundation must be in Christ so that when men stumble, it matters not to our own faith.  If people want to be of Joseph or Brigham or Monson or Gordon or Ezra or Spencer that is fine; but realize that those who trust in the arm of flesh and follow men instead of seeking the Lord for themselves were labeled in the revelations as inheritors of a telestial glory (see D&C 76:100).  One can still sustain honorably these men as servants and witnesses of Christ and follow their teachings as it is confirmed to you that the teaching is of God; you are then following God and not the man. Our leaders do deserve our sustaining support and our prayers on their behalf and I myself do sustain them in their callings. I find no virtue however in treating our leaders as idols and placing the impossible burden of infallibility upon their backs. It as never meant for us to follow another without any regard to whether what is taught is actually a principle from heaven. Others may point us to the light and the way, but true knowledge, the kind that can save a person is from Christ and His light. May we be always open to receive this light into our own lives and not idolize those who point the way to it.

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