Follow the Prophet?

I think it would be surprising to most mainstream members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to learn that there were/are over 450 documented sects and offshoots within the umbrella of “Mormonism.” All of these groups use as a spiritual foundation the restoration of the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith. Many of these groups have their own “prophets” and “apostles.”

Some of these various church leaders have done abominations in the name of God and their religion. Currently one of these “prophets” is in jail charged with rape of a 12 year old. (Warren Jeffs, prophet to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) It might also be surprising to know that many of these groups use the same hymn books and scriptures as published by the most popular and largest of these “Mormon” restorationist sects, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I find it disturbing that the popular children’s song “Follow the Prophet” is so entrenched within some of these groups. This song, in my opinion, can be a recipe for spiritual disaster especially if you happen to choose the wrong “prophet” and decide to follow him. So here is a new version of the song using the same tune but with lyrics more appropriate for the only sure person that we can all follow without hesitation regardless of sect or creed:

Follow the Savior
(To the tune of “Follow the Prophet” from the Childrens Hymn Book, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Jesus the Anointed, born as Mary’s son
Came to cry repentance, and the vic’try that he won
Many were offended, and this man they fought
Only few believed the atonement that he wrought

Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior don’t go astray.
Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior,
He is the way!

Jesus the Messiah, born to Israel
Came with real author’ty, but no one could tell
There were all believing, philosophies of men
Blinded by traditions of the Sanhedrin

Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior don’t go astray.
Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior,
He is the way!

Jesus the deliverer, lowly as a lamb
Nobody believed that he was the great I AM
As Isaiah taught us, with His stripes we’re healed
He becomes our father, this the word revealed.

Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior don’t go astray.
Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior,
He is the way!

Spiritual salvation, the Jews did not expect
Entrenched in their traditions, their pride they did not check.
Expectations of a king, to sit on David’s throne
Instead they scorned their God, the wine press tread alone.

Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior don’t go astray.
Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior,
He is the way!

As a tender Father, His promise He’ll fulfill
Seeking out the chosen, as they learn His will
Israel will be gathered, his lands to be regained
He’ll then know his God, and come to him again.

Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior don’t go astray.
Follow the Savior, follow the Savior, follow the Savior,
He is the way!

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