Parable of the Bicycle

There once was a child who lived in a village of many traditions.  These teachings were highly respected and revered by the villagers and were rarely questioned.

Tradition had it that when they came of age they received a bicycle as a gift from the village elders and as a symbol of the willingness to work and contribute to the village by using the bicycle as a means of getting around in a more efficient way.

This bicycle had training wheels as did all the bicycles in the village.  Everyone from the oldest village elders the youngest rode bicycles with training wheels.  None of the bicycles had any gears so the most people could do was to climb just mild inclines only.  To him a bicycle had training wheels as he had not seen anything else.

One day the boy, now growing older and approaching manhood left the village on a journey.  In his travels he saw many other people who did not have bicycles but they were able to run and get along almost as well as those with bicycles in his village, he also saw some with bicycles that had training wheels just like his village.

One day he came across a man who had a very strange-looking contraption which he called a bicycle.  It had no training wheels and it also had levers and many gears which allowed this person to climb the steepest grades and to peddle and move as fast as anyone he had ever seen.

The boy asked the man all about it and studied it very carefully, he took notes from the man describing how to build it and he drew sketches of this new kind of bicycle.  Since this was the most nimble, maneuverable and most useful bicycle he had ever seen, he wanted to build one and show the people of his village.

Upon returning to his village the young man set to work building this bicycle, he took off the training wheels and fastened the gears etc. and after many painstaking hours he had built it and one day began riding his new bicycle eager to show others in the village how to make one for themselves.

To his astonishment the village elders and leaders were very angry and jealous about this.  They wanted nothing to do with this new bicycle.  It did not look like theirs and had no training wheels.

Things got so bad that instead of learning how to build this new type of bicycle themselves they banished him from the village and he was never allowed to return.  They took his new bicycle and destroyed it so neither themselves could ride it, nor did they allow anyone else to ride it either.

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