True Witnesses

From reading the scriptures it is apparent to me that there is a pattern shown in those who are sent to bear true witness of Christ and the truths of Heaven. This pattern was fulfilled in many if not all of the  prophets and of Christ himself.

1) Their calling was from God and not via the ecclesiastical authorities they were many times sent to warn.

2) Their calling represented a real sacrifice to them.

3) They were unpopular in the eyes of the people and did not receive worldly accolades or praise.

4) They were an outcast from the societies that should have accepted them, whether their own religious society or their political communities.

5)  Very few believed their report.

6)  They were rejected and be labeled in a negative way such as being deceived, having a devil, being rebellious or apostate.

7) They were acquainted with grief and afflicted.

8) Persecutions were heaped upon them.

Joseph the Seer taught:

“It has always been when a man was sent of God with the priesthood and he began to preach the fullness of the gospel, the man was thrust out by his friends – and they are ready to butcher him if he teach things which they had imagined to be wrong. Jesus was crucified upon this principle.” (Joseph Smith diary 11 June 1843 by Willard Richards as recorded in Words of Joseph Smith by Ehat & Cook pg. 210)

This has been the lot of true witnesses from the beginning and there is no reason this won’t be the case today, even in this the dispensation of the fullness of times. This will be the case until we arrive at the unity of faith, until we are seen as we are seen and known as we are known; Until we arrive to an innumerable company angels and of the Church of the Firstborn; Until we have a Zion in very word and deed; Until it shall no longer be said know ye the Lord for we will all know him at that day.

We are not there yet, in fact we are farther away than in the days of the restoration so it is my humble opinion that those who might be called of Christ to attempt to get us there again (the early saints were given an opportunity but they rejected it) will manifest the above mentioned patterns in some degree or another.  So my petition for your consideration is if you notice someone going through this please don’t outright reject them, but listen and discern if they might have the words of eternal life, or to be said in another way, the very words of Christ.  I assure you the Lord is able to do his own work and it might not happen in the way we have been conditioned to think it may happen.

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